Personal Chef and Nutritionist
Hire a private chef to cook meals that make you healthy and save time.
Restaurant quality healthy meals prepared at your home to help you achieve your health or fitness goals - Our personal chef and nutritionist service is tailored for you to get the nutritionist food to make you thrive.

"There’s a high chance of skipping meals or not eating things that are good for my nutrition if it’s not super quick and accessible. "
Steven Bartlett - Diary of a CEO, Star of Dragons Den, Investor, Entrepreneur - Featured in GQ




As seen on

Does this sound like you?
- Do you stress about your health and body?
- Do you suffer from decision fatigue and get distracted easily?
- Do you hate cooking, washing, shopping, and cleaning mountains of dishes?

What if I told you,
There’s an easier way you can enjoy an improved life quality and get the dream body that attracts the eyeballs of everyone.

When Christiano Ronaldo joined Manchester United in 2003, all of the Manchester players were confused about why Ronaldo had brought an entire chef and nutrition team with him…
"He was the first person I saw employing a nutritionist, a doctor, a personal physio, a chef" - Ferdinand
- Ronaldo knew that his diet was critical for his performance.
- Ronaldo's personal chef and nutritionist team would prepare his meals and handle the nutritional requirements, allowing him to focus on his career.
- Ronaldo grew up to become arguably one of the greatest football players of all time.
Imagine you had a nutritional chef team for your health, just like Ronaldo.
That is basically what the elite achieves and industry leaders do.
This is the hidden weapon that helps business people to focus better, athletes to improve their numbers, and middle-aged men and women to feel younger.
- You had hot meals prepared for you in your home by a professional chef, and your fridge was stocked with meals that you could pull out and eat whenever you wanted. For you and your family.
- You look and feel younger, and you have your ideal body. Everyone is wondering how you did it...
- You had more time to do things you love, and your friends say “you seem…different..”
- Your concentration is improved, and you can do twice as much work without experiencing decision fatigue.
- And your physical performance improves, becoming quicker, stronger, and more purposeful.

Book A Call For Our Private Chef And Nutritionist Service
Speak to one of our team members to get a customer quote and package.

Reasons you may be looking for a nutritional chef
- To lose weight or gain muscle
- To follow a medical diet for a health condition,
- To enhance your physical and mental performance,
- To live younger, longer and avoid preventable diseases,
- To improve your happiness and overall health and wellbeing,
- To save time and effort involved in food preparation.
A nutrition / fitness chef is perfect if you are:
- An actor
- A professional athlete
- A Celebrity
- A business owner or investor
- A high net worth individual
- Or a family member/partner of the above

Book A Call For Our Private Chef And Nutritionist Service
Speak to one of our team members to get a customer quote and package.

Biospan is a nutritional personal chef service
Biospan began as a nutrition clinic to help people with chronic illnesses improve their health through therapeutic diets and nutrition programmes. We also specialise in sports nutrition for athletes, and our nutrition team includes former international athletes for England and Scotland.

Your personal team includes
A registered nutritional therapist - who is trained in functional medicine. Registered with the British Association of Nutritional and Lifestyle Medicine, and the Complimentary Natural Health Council.
One of our private chefs - amongst a team that includes Michelin trained chefs and fitness chefs who are certified in culinary arts.

For your nutritionist meals,
- We focus on creating the healthiest foods for your dietary requirements
- We use nutrient dense organic, grass-fed, and wild ingredients - free-from all artificial additives
- We make sure you get all your essential nutrients in their most bioavailable form so you can thrive
- We providing an excellent service that improves your life quality
This is a truly bespoke service for high quality nutrition. We like to know our customers by name, and you should feel comfortable sending a text if something goes wrong. A personal chef and a private nutritionist will be assigned to you.
"Struggling with eczema and anxiety is mentally draining. Doctors never really took the time to understand my health issues. The lack of empathy and help was frustrating. It seemed like no one was interested in finding out why my eczema was flaring up. I would just get prescribed some steroid cream and moved on. The flare ups were getting so bad that I didn’t even want to leave the house. My face was covered with dry skin and red rashes. I knew the doctors weren’t going to help me.
So, I contacted Biospan.Their website talked about 'taking control of your health through the foods you eat', which made perfect sense to me, but was something my doctors always shot down. I was excited to see if someone could finally help me. I booked a call with Dorian, but before the call, I was asked to fill out some forms about my diet and lifestyle - which already added some much-needed optimism to my situation as they were concerned with knowing every aspect of my health. Finally someone cared!
The call was amazing! To have someone as knowledgeable as Dorian go through every aspect of your health is invaluable. He helped me identify what the potential cause of my eczema could be, what I could do to fix it and also prevent it from coming back. After suggesting I go on a low FODMAP diet, I came away from the conversation, for the first time ever, sure I was going to cure my eczema.
After days on this diet, my eczema started to clear up. Two weeks in, and was completely gone.I can't recommend biospan enough. It’s not just the health benefits you get from using this service, it’s the education you get on learning about your body and how it reacts to certain foods/environments. Investing in your health is the most worthwhile investment and understanding how your body reacts to the fuel you feed it the first step."Thank you to Maxi, Dorian and the rest of the team.

Book A Call For Our Private Chef And Nutritionist Service
Speak to one of our team members to get a customer quote and package.

This is how it works
- You meet your nutritional therapist and discuss your dietary needs
- You meet your personal chef to discuss your food preferences
- We take care of the menu planning and shopping
- you get home cooked meals, or a fridge filled up with nutritionist meals
- You enjoy more free time whilst your health is taken care of
Our nutritionist food promise:
- We use the highest quality organic, grass fed, and wild ingredients.
- We work with suppliers who support our environment
- We have a no wastage policy
- We pay our staff what they deserve

Book A Call For Our Private Chef And Nutritionist Service
Speak to one of our team members to get a customer quote and package.

A private chef and nutrition service is an investment and a luxury
- Decision fatigue is a real thing. Think about how much your time is worth (per hour, per day, per year).
- Meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning can easily take more than an hour every day. And it can take 2+ hours if you want to eat anything remotely interesting.
- On top of that, think about how much time and money you waste by feeling tired, moody, or agitated. When your mind is clear, you can accomplish more every day and make better decisions.
- Stress clouds your judgement, and prevents you from using your creativity. A lot of the time, stress is exaggerated when you are missing key nutrients from your diet, or you get overloaded with decisions.
Your health is priceless. How much is your health worth to you? How much is your legacy worth?
"I started working with Henrietta after having a lot of problems with my stomach and digestion. It was having a big negative impact on my pole vaulting career, as I was nervous to travel as I wasn’t sure what food I would have to eat in hotels, and my competitions were being massively affected. My weight was reducing as I was just finding most foods I ate were an irritant for me and I just couldn’t figure it out for myself.
Losing lots of weight in pole vault is super detrimental to performance - I couldn’t train at the same intensity with my energy being so low and this was therefore having a big impact on my results in competition. Henrietta pretty much changed my life, she was so invested in my problem and I felt really supported.
We spoke on a regular basis and she really gave me confidence that we were going to sort this out, and we did! I learnt so much about myself and my body and got my love of food back again. I can’t thank Henrietta enough for everything she has done to get me back on track, I now know what foods are the irritant and she taught me how easy it is to work around them. I have had hardly any flare ups and when I do have them I know why and what to do about it."

Nothing in life is guaranteed, but some things come pretty close
If you value healthy eating and want to reduce all the downsides (cooking, washing, shopping, meal planning), you may want to consider a diet chef. Get in touch with us by booking a call with us. We can provide more information about our personal chef services.
- You can end decision fatigue and free up your mental space so you can achieve your true purpose and earn more money.
- You can achieve your dream body and health - and leave everyone wondering how you did it.
- You can spend less time preparing food, and more time doing things you love with people you love.

Book A Call For Our Private Chef And Nutritionist Service
Speak to one of our team members to get a customer quote and package.

Book A Call For Our Private Chef And Nutritionist Service
Speak to one of our team members to get a customer quote and package.

Book A Call For Our Private Chef And Nutritionist Service
Speak to one of our team members to get a customer quote and package.